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NEW A Future For Tomorrow 2nd Edition
A Future for Tomorrow Second Edition has two new chapters, new updates, new pictures, and a never before section for parents at the end!
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From Head to Tummy
is an adorable and powerful tool for parents. It deals with life’s unavoidable issues with common sense and in an age appropriate manner for your elementary age children, but is also relatable and valuable for tweens and teens.To purchase Haley's new release click here.
Break Through: Peace with Food, Peace with your Body - Audio

Haley's women's conference presentation Break Through: Peace with Food, Peace with your Body is available! Haley speaks along with several other remarkable ladies about women's relationship with food, self-acceptance, spiritual connection with nutrition, and more. This audio includes the entire day long convention filled with life changing presentations and breathtaking musical performances.
Book Trailer
Reader Reviews:
I am so overwhelmed by the spirit Haley’s words have sent to me. Even though I haven't struggled with a battle over food, I have often struggled with self doubt and feelings of unworthiness, much like many women I feel do. Her story can touch so many lives because so many people will relate to her feelings. I truly feel it is inspired.
-- Megan, Salt Lake City, Utah
As I finished the last page and closed the book, I found myself thinking that all youth, youth leaders and parents should read this book. It provides a depth of understanding that everyone could benefit from. Not only could it help those struggling with the same issues Haley did, but it can provide parents, siblings and leaders with the knowledge and understanding they need to help anyone who is dealing with anorexia or who could develop this disease. It’s a must read!
--Shari Bird, Tooele Utah
I think this book should be the first thing you see when you walk into Barnes and Noble, on a huge rack display.
--Dr. Jack Stockwell
A Future for Tomorrow would be a great book for a young woman and a mom to read and discuss. It would be a meaty book for a book club to discuss. It is sure to spark a lively debate.
-- Liz Adair, Author
I absolutely loved A Future for Tomorrow. It is beautifully written and chuck full of the spirit.
-- Mandy, Daybreak, Utah
It is very much an LDS book, but I would give it to others not of the LDS faith in a heartbeat, because of the in-depth look into the eating disorder.
--Jaime Theler, LDS non-fiction Author
In Future for Tomorrow, Haley bravely recounts her journey to the brink of death and back again in a way that is both touching and inspiring. The frankness with which Haley describes her journey is remarkable. She opens her heart and mind to her readers because she feels called to let others know how devastating anorexia nervosa can be.
--Lael Littke and Carroll Morris, Bestselling LDS authors
A must read for every women and girl.
--Cristianne, Eagle Mountain Utah
I couldn't put it down. There is no words to describe the emotions that cursed through me. I cried through most of it, laughed at the funny parts, got ticked off at some of the doctors, and cheered for Haley at the end, literally. A Future for Tomorrow was inspired in every way. I am sad at what she went through, but grateful that she is courageous enough to tell a story every daughter of God needs to hear. I thank Haley for taking me on her journey, I learned so much, and got a glimpse of what many many young woman are going through these last days, and more importantly, a great reminder of the love our Heavenly Father and Savoir have for us.
--Catherine M. Lang, Writer, Logan, UT
I highly recommend it to anyone who is struggling with or trying to help someone struggling with an eating disorder. If I'd known things then that this book has helped me to learn, perhaps I could have helped her more. It is also great for the casual reader, an interesting view for those who have never dealt with this kind of self hatred or addictive behavior. Surprisingly, for such a depressing and scary topic, it is extremely uplifting and inspirational. Definitely five stars!
Melody Litton, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
This book is so important. What lives it can impact! I know for myself it gave me hope and blessed me with an even keener sense of our Father's love.
--Lori Nawyn, graphic designer, author, artist, and photographer
A Future for Tomorrow is a book that shows a young woman's faith, courage and hope. I feel that Haley's book, is a gift to the world, in helping fight anorexia. I know that many people's lives will be blessed because of her gift in sharing her story. It is written very well and is a very compelling story. I for one, am going to be sharing this book with as many people as possible.
—Sheila, book reviewer and pod-cast interviewer
It truly spoke to my spirit. I could not put it down.
–-Alicia, 5th Grade Teacher.
A must read for every parent, youth leader, women, and girl.
--Brandon, Utah